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4 trends in artificial intelligence development that educational companies should pay attention to

The past year has been a landmark year for the development of artificial intelligence, with the release of ChatGPT last fall putting the technology in the spotlight.
In education, the scale and accessibility of chatbots developed by OpenAI has sparked heated debate about how and to what extent generative AI can be used in the classroom. Some districts, including New York City schools, ban its use, while others support it.
In addition, a number of artificial intelligence detection tools have been launched to help regions and universities eliminate academic fraud caused by technology.
Stanford University’s recent 2023 AI Index report takes a broad look at trends in artificial intelligence, from its role in academic research to economics and education.
The report found that across all of these positions, the number of AI-related job postings increased slightly, from 1.7% of all job postings in 2021 to 1.9%. (Excludes agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting.)
Over time, there are signs that U.S. employers are increasingly seeking workers with AI-related skills, which could have a negative impact on K-12. Schools may be sensitive to changes in employer demands as they try to prepare students for the jobs of the future.
The report identifies participation in advanced computer science courses as an indicator of potential interest in artificial intelligence in K-12 schools. By 2022, 27 states will require all high schools to offer computer science courses.
The report said the total number of people taking the AP Computer Science exam nationwide increased 1% in 2021 to 181,040. But since 2017, the growth has become even more alarming: the number of exams taken has “increased ninefold,” it says in the report.
Students taking these exams have also become more diverse, with the proportion of female students rising from almost 17% in 2007 to almost 31% in 2021. There has also been an increase in the number of non-white students taking the test.
The index showed that as of 2021, 11 countries have officially recognized and implemented K-12 AI curricula. These include India, China, Belgium and South Korea. The USA is not on the list. (Unlike some countries, the US curriculum is determined by individual states and school districts rather than at the national level.) How the collapse of SVB will affect the K-12 market. The breakup of Silicon Valley Bank has implications for startups and venture capital. The April 25 EdWeek Market Brief webinar will examine the long-term implications of the agency’s dissolution.
On the other hand, Americans remain the most skeptical about the potential benefits of artificial intelligence, the report says. The report found that only 35% of Americans believe the benefits of using artificial intelligence products and services outweigh the disadvantages.
According to the report, the most important early machine learning models were published by scientists. Since 2014, the industry has “taken over.”
Last year, industry released 32 important models and academia released 3 models.
“Creating modern artificial intelligence systems increasingly requires enormous amounts of data and resources that industry players themselves possess,” the index concluded.

Post time: Oct-23-2023